Sleeveless coats/long waistcoats continue for 2015

Sleeveless coats/long waistcoats continue for 2015

    According to the magazines long waistcoats/sleeveless coats are going to continue to be popular for 2015.  I was not sure about them at first but bought two this…

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Contemplation and Meditation

Contemplation and Meditation

    William Henry Davies, a Welsh poet who lived from 1871 to 1940 and spent much of his life in the USA, wrote a poem called “Leisure”. In it…

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French wedding outfits. Yellow and coral the most popular colours.

French wedding outfits. Yellow and coral the most popular colours.

            This is the second in my series of “French Weddings in our village”.  I definitely noticed a couple of very distinct colour stories going…

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How to buy classic handbags in the sales

How to buy classic handbags in the sales

    How to buy classic handbags in the sales. I am currently in France enjoying the sunshine or should I say heatwave, so have not been doing a lot…

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French wedding style

French wedding style

  French wedding style. How do the french women adapt their style  for “posh” church weddings? I know from past comments that you are fans of my “french wedding series”.…

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