A quality leather jacket is a good investment

A quality leather jacket is a good investment

    A quality leather jacket is a good investment. You may well have seen my classic “biker” or “moto” jacket before on a previous post. It is the oldest…

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How to maximise a capsule holiday wardrobe

How to maximise a capsule holiday wardrobe

    How to maximise a capsule holiday wardrobe. Due to all the warm outerwear I had to pack for my recent trip to Wales I had very few pieces…

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How to enjoy a British summer holiday

How to enjoy a British summer holiday

Rain stopped play. Empty deck chairs at the funfair in Cardiff Bay.   How to enjoy a British summer holiday. Despite the rain and the fickle weather we still managed…

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What to pack for British summer holidays.

What to pack for British summer holidays.

  What to pack for British summer holidays. Very difficult as the weather is capricious to say the least. I am off for a week in sunny wales with the…

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What to wear for a trip to the theatre in London.

What to wear for a trip to the theatre in …

    What to wear for a trip to the theatre in London.   I love having a summer birthday it gives me the opportunity to wear some of my…

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