My favourite polo/turtle neck sweaters

My favourite polo/turtle neck sweaters

How I have worn my polo neck sweaters this season.   Polo neck or turtle neck sweaters (depending on which side of the pond you live) have returned to popularity…

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Should we become invisible after 50?

Should we become invisible after 50?

Sketch by Dee     Should we become invisible after 50? I don’t think so.     I was waving the flag for women over 50 to have the confidence…

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3 ways to wear a colourful coat

3 ways to wear a colourful coat

  3 ways to wear a colourful coat Sometimes it is lovely to indulge in a colourful statement coat maybe for a special occasion.  Then once the occasion is over…

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How I wear a faux fur gilet

How I wear a faux fur gilet

Grimaud is well known for its friendly village cats.   Faux fur gilets are fashionable this season probably due to the 70s trend for flared jeans, fringes and the general…

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Last sunny days in St. Tropez

Last sunny days in St. Tropez

  Soaking up the last sunny days in St. Tropez. In temperatures in the mid 20s centigrade we had lunch on the beach in one of our favourite restaurants.  …

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