A coat for all seasons
I recently purchased this lightweight navy anorak from Arket. It is an ideal all-season piece as it is part of their modular outerwear system. This clever system is designed to be flexible between seasons and versatile in different weather conditions. The outer and inner pieces can be worn independently or zipped and snapped together to form a fully padded coat. This means that you can add a liner jacket when the weather gets colder. The fabric is made from recycled polyester and cotton in line with Arket’s sustainability ethics.
Many years ago I owned a coat designed along the same lines with an inner padded lining. It was so useful and I remember wearing it till it practically fell apart.
For the moment I have only purchased the anorak however I may consider the liner jacket when the weather gets really cold.

I originally got the jacket as part of my Paris capsule wardrobe however the weekend we went to Paris the temperatures rose to about 28 degrees; so I switched my choices at the last minute and only took an umbrella. However, I am off to Grimaud next week and I am sure that this parka will be coming with me.
My navy wide leg trousers are from the HopeFashion foundation collection and my lightweight lilac wool scarf is from Chicatanyage shop.

The photographs were taken by Laura Hines. Follow her on Instagram
I love the way that the Autumn light shines through the trees.
Recently I have taken up Nordic Walking in Richmond Park as part of my fitness regime. The Park is gorgeous at this time of year with all the glorious autumnal colours in the tress. I find that getting out into nature really helps to calm me down in this fast-paced digital life that many of us seem to lead these day.

My parka has a draw string waist which helps to give it shape. I have shown it both ways both loose and tied.
Thank you for featuring navy rain jackets. I’m getting away from black (at my old age) since it just seems too harsh for my white hair/blue eyes. I love the fishtail hem. You have given a number of good choices. Thanks so much.
I’m pleased to hear you’ve taken up Nordic Walking Josephine, I’ve been doing it for over 5 years it’s great exercise and an opportunity to meet lovely people. I’m fortunate to live in the beautiful Peak District of Derbyshire.
Hi Brenda
Your scenery must be magnificent. Richmond Park is the best I can do near London. At this time of year it is beautiful but you have to keep clear of the rutting deer!
Very stylish jacket, and being able to add a liner jacket is a really useful design feature. I bought a similar one a few years ago and get lots of wear from it. Hope you have a lovely time in Grimaud!
Emma xxx