Capsule wardrobe – Travelling light

Capsule wardrobe – Travelling light

Travel challenge. My husband Mr P had a significant birthday this month and as a treat we decided to take a short break in Morocco starting off with two nights…

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“Blogging for fame and fortune” in womanandhome magazine

“Blogging for fame and fortune” in womanandhome magazine

I confess to being a collector and hoarder of women’s magazines. I find them a great source of information and inspiration. “womanandhome” is definitely one of my favourites.  I was…

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Diets Don’t work

Diets Don’t work

On my return from my Christmas break in France I popped onto my bathroom scales, yes I do occasionally check. It was no surprise to find that I had gained…

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Journey back through France

Journey back through France

As I have said before we like to take a leisurely drive back from France spending the night at a newly found treasure. Once again we were not disappointed with…

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News and views from St. Tropez

News and views from St. Tropez

The weather has not been at all clement this visit. An unusual amount of rain has meant very little opportunities for visits to St. Tropez or photos. Here are a…

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