How to look younger – laugh and smile more

How to look younger – laugh and smile more

  I don’t tend to make New Year’s resolutions. However if I did this would be it   “SMILE MORE OFTEN!’ Laughing and smiling could well be called the elixir…

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Storms and calm, waves and light

Storms and calm, waves and light

At this time of the year I tend to become reflective. I indulge myself by pondering on the events of the year that has just passed and to contemplate the…

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Auberge du Paradis or Paradise Inn

Auberge du Paradis or Paradise Inn

The journey from our London house to our little hide away in the South of France is about 800 miles.  It is just possible to drive there in one day,…

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How to keep calm and look chic this Christmas

How to keep calm and look chic this Christmas

Are you the guest or the host this Christmas?  The answer to this question will inform what you might choose to wear on the day. For me comfort and practicality…

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Bits and pieces from the South of France

Bits and pieces from the South of France

Trust you enjoyed my “Remembrance Day” post. Just popped out to the Boulangerie early this morning to buy our breakfast baguette and caught the end of a ceremony to commemorate…

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