Needs versus wants

Needs versus wants

Want versus need? Now that is an interesting question. When we are making that “must have” purchase are we making it from a place of need or want? How many…

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A relaxing country week-end in the Cotswolds

A relaxing country week-end in the Cotswolds

I have returned to London feeling relaxed and refreshed. We spent a wonderful week-end in the beautiful Cotswold village of Chipping Camden. We went for long walks over the gently…

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Out of date make-up and health hazards

Out of date make-up and health hazards

I must confess that I am very bad about throwing out my old make up. Probably for four reasons:- It may have cost quite a lot to purchase in the…

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Easter in the South of France

Easter in the South of France

The “météo” report. At last a few rays of sunshine interspersed with showers.  The wind is still a little chilly but a million times warmer that Paris or London. The…

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A good clear out or a "vide-grenier"

A good clear out or a "vide-grenier"

There is a vague stirring of Spring here in London after a long cold winter. Now seemed the ideal moment for a good clear out. It is amazing how much…

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