More on the Olympics – What an experience!

More on the Olympics – What an experience!

What an amazing experience. I still have to keep pinching myself to remind myself that I was there to witness the fastest man in the world win the 100 metres…

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Are women under pressure to look a certain way.

Are women under pressure to look a certain way.

While I work on my computer I often like to listen to the radio especially Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4. This morning there was a very interesting discussion and…

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My experience of plastic surgery

My experience of plastic surgery

I have had several requests to reveal at least some of my experience last Friday, so here goes. Let me start this post by saying how interesting that whenever we…

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A Parisian wedding in our village

A Parisian wedding in our village

Saturday is wedding day in our little French village and last Saturday was no exception. According to our local priest (who is in fact a Welshman) this wedding was a…

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Drinks at the Byblos in St. Tropez

Drinks at the Byblos in St. Tropez

We treated ourselves to an evening out in St. Tropez just to see how the ‘beautiful people’ spend their time. The Hotel Byblos was our destination of choice for drinks…

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