Planning your wardrobe for Autumn 2023

Planning your wardrobe for Autumn 2023

Planning your wardrobe for Autumn 2023 As I write this post I am sitting in our apartment in Grimaud, having flown here last Monday. The weather is hot, humid and…

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Thinking forward to Autumn 2023 colours

Thinking forward to Autumn 2023 colours

The sun is shining here in Thames Ditton and the temperatures are in the mid to low 20 degrees. I am still wearing my summer dresses, skirts trousers and cotton…

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Current make-up ideas

Current make-up ideas

Having done my hair now let’s look at some make-up that I have been recently introduced to. The latest colour eyeshadow trio just added to the Lookfabulous trio eyeshadow collection.…

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How to protect and care for our hair

How to protect and care for our hair

How to protect and care for our hair. I would say that I have been genetically lucky with my hair texture and volume. My hair is fairly thick and strong…

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What I wore for a trip to the Schloss Hotel

What I wore for a trip to the Schloss Hotel

What I wore for a trip to the Schloss Hotel. My husband loves fishing, especially for salmon so he booked a rod for three days on the river Tweed. We…

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