Capsule wardrobe for a trip to France

Capsule wardrobe for a trip to France

I am currently spending two weeks in the South of France. Hopefully, we will see some blue skies. However I can’t be too sure as the weather here has been…

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How I accessorise my oversize Spring raincoat

How I accessorise my oversize Spring raincoat

My mother used to have a wonderful saying “I don’t know whether I’m coming or going”. It seems to be a bit like that with the seasons this year. Spring…

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How to dress down classic styles

How to dress down classic styles

How to dress down classic styles. Seeing the same pieces in your wardrobe season after season can get a bit boring. So I decided to play around and experiment. I…

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The essential art of layering

The essential art of layering

The art of layering is one of the most important skills you can learn. It offers so many benefits. When you layer your clothes successfully and creatively it will help…

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Adapting my coats for Spring

Adapting my coats for Spring

It is that time of year again when I need to sort through my wardrobe and start to decide which items from previous years stay and which need to be recycled. I…

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