Books and films I have recently enjoyed

Books and films I have recently enjoyed

Books and films I have recently enjoyed

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Book recommendations for May

Book recommendations for May

This last month seems to have been uneventful here in London. I have continued my pilates classes on Zoom twice a week and regularly attend my Nordic walking group every…

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A selection of good books to keep you entertained

A selection of good books to keep you entertained

Let us sit back, relax and read a good book. As Spring is starting to arrive we are now able to spend more time outdoors. A great relief after a…

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Beauty style and empowerment for older women

Beauty style and empowerment for older women

I have a large collection of books on style and image. I have been collecting them since the early 80s. Due to lack of space I have recycled many and…

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Timeless Style

Timeless Style

Timeless style something we all aspire to. I have written reviews on a variety of books on the subject of “what to wear after a certain age”. I have never…

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