A preview of the new seasons colour palette.
I have had a look at the Pantonne palette in order to preview the new seasons colour palette for Autumn 2019. The overall theme is deep, warm and muted. These colours have not been around for several seasons. The collections over the last few years have been dominated by the cooler tones of blues, pinks and cool greens with a touch of yellow and orange creeping in recently.
These colours will look wonderful if you have dark warm colouring however they will not be easy to wear if you have a cool skin tone and grey hair. Often as our hair turns a silver grey we look better in lighter brighter tones either warm or cool depending on

Cos new season colour palette:
I had a wander around the shops last week at Westfields shopping centre. The aim or my trip was to take a look at the new season’s collections coming into the shops. Most of the ranges were reflecting the deep warm muted colour tones. There was some navy in evidence but even they seemed more muted than usual.

I checked out John Lewis, MarksandSpencer and Cos and took some photos with my iPhone in order to give you an idea of the predominant colours. I will be doing further research over the next few weeks and also putting some collages together in order to give you an idea of how you might want to refresh your wardrobe for the Autumn season.

A selection from the Kin range at Johnlewis&partners. Rust, bronze combined with white and abstract prints.
I noticed that JohnLewis&partners had a very good range of vibrant coloured tops in both warm and cool colours. I have picked out a few I liked below.
JohnLewis&Partners new season:
Marks&Spencer new season:
Boden new season:
I will be back shortly with ideas how to refresh your wardrobe if you have cool colouring. Luckily there seem to be some very pretty purples, teal blues and lilacs around.
What do you think of the new colours?
Personally I love them, with brown eyes, dark blonde hair and medium complexion I gave had enough of those blue toned colours and welcome browns and toffee colours- so chic!
I love the burnt orange and brown tones. I am though grey now but was always an “Autumn” girl so will be giving these colours a try and hope they look good.
Yippee! Finally. As a redhead, I welcome these colors. I can’t wear black white gray or pink so this is my season!
My heart sank when I saw this trend – my colouring is the cool tone where my hairdresser has commented “never try to warm up”! I think navy might be the only way out for the upper body. So I look forward to seeing your forthocming articles on refreshing my wardrobe. I cannot imagine that retailers in this country are thrilled.
Look forward to seeing the tips and ideas for those with cool colouring. Thank you Josephine for your hard work.
I do not like them at all, and while I do have a warm coloring and brown eyes,these colors seem so drab to me. so I will do as always, wear the colors I love, and that do look good on me.
I have auburn hair brown eyes and freckles so the new warm tones look delicious to me!
I am crossing my fingers for the cool toned colours, Josephine. Many thanks for doing all the hard work!
i’m warm toned so look forward to updating my wardrobe this autumn.
Nope not my colors at all. Should I simply hide in the closet this year?
With you on that one Sandra!
Super colours but not for me as I am cool and soft. Hopefully you can find some lovely pieces in cool tones as I am in need of winter clothes.
These are my least favorite colors. Maybe I will skip updating this year, or buy brown slacks and wear the tops that I have already.
Lovely colours; I would like to wear these but sadly they don’t seem to suit my blue eyes, blonde hair and rather pale skin! I await your tips and ideas for cool colouring clothes with great anticipation! Thanks for your hard work Josephine, I always look forward to receiving your informative posts!.
Thank you all for joining in the conversation. I am going to have my work cut out this season. These warm colours do not work for me so you will still see me wearing my cool colours however as some of you really love them I will do my best to find warm alternatives (that should be easy). I will probably be doing another tour of the shops this week. I have already seem some lovely lilacs (very flattering with grey hair) and some bright teal blues and cool forest greens which might work as neutrals. I have warm and cool collages coming out this Friday so you can get an idea how these colours might co-ordinate. If all else fails accessories in your most flattering colours usually save the day.
Whilst I like some of these colours , they don’t like me . The retailers don’t do themselves , or us , any favours by choosing set colour palettes . Who decides & why I wonder . I’ll be hiding in the closet with the others !
Hi Wendy
The colour palette for the season is decided well over a year ahead by Pantone. It starts with the fabric manufacturers from which the designers buy their materials.
Oh dear, I’ve just looked at your recent post. So drab, so sad:-(
Hi Heather
I am sure we will find some nice bright colours. I am on the case.
I love warm colours, but they look awful on me. I need cool and bright, so think I might struggle this season. I’m looking forward to your suggestions! Thank You.
There have been a lot of clothes in these colours in Australia’s this Winter, not my cup of tea! Interesting to see that we are ahead of Europe this year. Thanks for showing this palette and I look forward to what you find in your colours.
I adore these colors. To my eye, most of the ones you’ve shown don’t look especially muted. I see them as warm, saturated and rich. Looking forward finally having a selection of brown pants to choose from.
Hi Gilad
The photos were taken in store with an iPhone so are not totally accurate. The Cos collection was definitely muted. Some of the colours like the reds and oranges did have some brightness.
At last colours to suit redheads. It isn’t often this happens in high street stores and I usually have to find clothes to suit my colouring in independent shops. I’m going to enjoy shopping for clothes this season.
Thanks for your hard work. Every fall I see warm tones show up, but this year is especially warm. By Christmas we get black, white, red, gold, silver, and mostly party wear, versus basics. It is interesting that we need clothes in all color ways and all year, but they keep repeating the same things, during the same seasons… Hopefully you find some inspiration for us, thanks again.
This used to be me. But the yellow has left my skin and i stopped colouring my hair.(redhead). Dark brown eyes but they always suited cooler browns. I need all the help I can get now.
Hi Margaret
This often happens as we grow older and our hair turns grey the colours that work for us change.
Ah well sometimes it’s good not to have the temptation thrown in our way, looks like I won’t be buying much that’s new. I often do well on eBay or in charity shops snapping up those acid yellow and magenta items that folk with warm colouring realise they shouldn’t have bought so I’ll have to look there in the unlikely event that I “need” more clothes!
Maybe you should find a friend with warm colouring to model some of the newer lines occasionally Josephine?
Hi Maureen
Most of my friends have cool undertones but I will try.
Looks like I will be saving money this Autumn!! Or shopping in my own wardrobe. I cannot wear anything on the yellow/brown/orange spectrum. C’est la vie.
I am an Autumn/Winter so I am looking forward to shopping this season. Bring on the green!
Many thanks for your efforts on behalf of wardrobe -challenged women!
Hi Sandra
I have been looking for some greens but so far don’t seem to have found many.
As a redhead who is now grey, I will tell you that these colors are not good for us “spring” redheads. Fortunately, I don’t need any clothes for fall.
I agree these colours are too muted for a “Spring” they are also too muted too muted to me who needs bright cool colours. Still I am finding some that suit me.