How to wear classic jeans four ways

How to wear classic jeans four ways

Hello, I am back again with more tips on how to maximise your wardrobe, this time with how to wear classic jeans four ways. I have not progressed to wearing…

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Black trousers five ways

Black trousers five ways

I have managed to rig up a photographic studio in our house and persuaded my husband to take the photographs. Under the circumstances I think he has done a very…

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Comfortable and practical clothes.

Comfortable and practical clothes.

Comfortable and practical clothes. Words that I find essential these days when planning my wardrobe. I was going to call this post “Comfortable capsule travel wardrobe”. However, under the circumstances,…

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Spring colour combinations

Spring colour combinations

A warm colour combination Having reviewed the new Spring colours in my previous post I thought that today I would have a play with some Spring colour combinations. You may…

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Spring 2020 colours

Spring 2020 colours

Last week I finally braved the inclement weather and got myself out and about with the aim of researching the new Spring 2020 colours and styles that are currently on…

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