A tour of the new season’s colours at Bentalls

A tour of the new season’s colours at Bentalls

A tour of the new season’s colours at Bentalls. Last week I took the day off to go to Kingston to check out the Spring/Summer collections that had arrived in…

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New seasons Spring colours to lift your spirits

New seasons Spring colours to lift your spirits

New seasons Spring colours to lift your spirits. Spring has not quite sprung yet here in the UK however there is a feeling that it is just around the corner.…

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News views and moving house

News views and moving house

News views and moving house. Well, it has been a long and stressful journey but we have finally moved into our apartment in Thames Ditton overlooking the river Thames. I…

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Warm sweaters for windy days

Warm sweaters for windy days

My husband took the photo above on the last day of our recent trip to France. We went into St. Tropez for a coffee and a wander around the port.…

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Trying on scarves at the local French Brocante

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