News and views from a French village

News and views from a French village

I love to spend a Sunday morning browsing round the local Brocante, you never know what you might find. On this occasion a 6 piece coffee set for 15 euros…

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Monte Carlo – The playground of the wealthy

Monte Carlo – The playground of the wealthy

“The Ventura” was moored in Monte Carlo so we had plenty of time before our visit to explore the playground of the rich. As we entered through the myriad of tunnels it felt…

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A visit to "The Ventura"

A visit to "The Ventura"

We were privileged and delighted to be invited on board  “The Ventura”, one of the largest cruise ships in the P and O Cruise fleet, over the Easter week-end. A great friend…

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French Easter chocolate

French Easter chocolate

The French patisseries display their Easter chocolate magnificently. A selection of photos taken in our local patisserie. Enough to make your mouth water. Don’t eat too much chocolate!!! A little…

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Spring colour and a Happy Easter

Spring colour and a Happy Easter

My abstract rendition of the Park in Spring. Some experimentation with photo shop! Hope you enjoy.Off to France today. Will bring you some news from there. In the meantime wishing…

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