A simple white blouse with beige trousers

How to wear a simple white blouse with beige trousers

How to wear a simple white blouse with beige trousers.

Firstly I would like to welcome all the new followers that have recently joined my blog from LookFabulousForever. I am delighted that you enjoyed my guest post. Thank you for your comments. I will do my best to reply to you individually.

The outfits I have been wearing recently have been really simple. I wear these trousers with a sleeveless tee during the day and then change into a simple white blouse for the evening.

These photos were taken on a lovely summer evening while meeting friends at our local pub in Thames Ditton located on the river Thames. I bought the feminine white blouse on a recent visit to Kingston shopping centre. My frill collared top is by Whistles. It is made from certified renewable wood sources, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ viscose which uses a responsible production process. It is still in stock on their website. Also available in light blue.

I have teamed my pretty feminine blouse with a simple pair of light beige trousers. They are originally from Arket (similar).

Feminine white blouse and beige trousers

White fisherman sandals from La Redoute. I have worn them both in the UK and France and they are very comfortable.

How to wear a simple white blouse with beige trousers

A simple white blouse with beige trousers:

Neutrals such as beige, ivory and white can often look upmarket and expensive if you are keeping your wardrobe simple.

Summer sandals

I have been checking out the new ranges that are beginning to arrive in the shops and as well as some lovely colours there is a good representation of neutrals including shades of beige. This is not surprising as our budgets may be restricted and many of us will choose safe options for our basic pieces.

PS. Quite a few of you commented that you like MeandEm knitwear and had bought some in the sale. I checked and they still have some styles left. Click here to check them out. They are expensive so that is why I wait for the sales. I purchased a roll-neck sweater but am tempted by their bright blue rib detail cardigan. I did try their cropped cardigan but it was too short for me. Would be ideal if you are petite. Sadly instead of going down their prices seem to be going up for the next season.

Photographs were taken by Laura Hines. Follow her on Instagram


  1. Wendy Barton
    19th August 2022 / 16:19

    I love that outfit – it looks very cool and elegant!

  2. Julia
    19th August 2022 / 16:21

    You look elegant as usual Josephine. Actually with your hair brushed back a little at the side, as in these photos, you look younger and prettier!

  3. Paris
    19th August 2022 / 16:26

    A lovely outfit, it really suits you.

  4. 19th August 2022 / 16:43

    Scenery is delightful! What a gorgeous location in which you live/play.
    Your blouse is beautiful and I love it with the neutral slacks….very classy as usual…something to consider for myself but I typically hesitate to wear a lighter-colored slack.

  5. Francesca B
    19th August 2022 / 18:24

    Gorgeous outfit!! l love the Pearl earrings and the shoes too so pretty.

  6. Sue
    19th August 2022 / 23:31

    I love that blouse with the beige trousers – a classic look which really suits you.

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